Our Project Aims
The Society undertakes a variety of genealogical projects. Most involve locating and then transcribing records about Worcestershire people through the ages so that the information can be made available online. We do this not only for our own benefit but also for family historians from outside the area. Some is available to everyone but some is only available to members.
Worcestershire Parish Records
Our major project is the long term task of transcribing all the parish records for Worcestershire and making these available only via The Genealogist website (FHS Online).
This is a large exercise and we are always on the look out for volunteers to help with this project. It is fascinating work and very rewarding; you can improve your skills at reading old scripts and Latin no end!
The work is not yet complete, so keep an eye on the the status list to see if we have completed the records you want.
You can view these records by taking out a subscription to FHSOnline directly or by joining us a receiving a code to give you free access to the Worcestershire records. Joining us is the cheaper option!

Other Projects
Monumental Inscriptions
This project involves travelling around Worcestershire and collecting the monumental inscriptions from churches. Again, this is an on-going project. The resulting files are made available free to our members.
Member Projects
Our members are an industrious group and several have undertaken quite large scale projects on local history around Worcestershire. We have included summaries of these on this website to help publicise this valuable research.
Malvern Cemetery Records
The records of burials in Malvern Cemetery are being digitised. Cemetery was opened in 1861 and is still in use. Several famous people are buried there, including Jenny Lind and James Wilson, the Malvern Water Cure doctor.
Worcestershire Churches – Photographs
We are also at present gathering good photographs of every church and war memorial in Worcestershire to use with the Baptism and WW1 Projects. Although we have photographed all the churches and schools in Malvern, and some in the near vicinity, we need complete the whole of the county. You can help the Society if you are out visiting any of these churches in the county by taking your camera and photographing any you pass.
World War I Memorials
Whilst you are photographing churches you may find a WW1 memorial. We would love you to photograph these, carefully taken to make sure the names are clear to read; also remembering to record the name and place. Sometimes the war memorial are outside with the names around the base. It only takes 10 minutes and its surprising what you find.
If you would like to help with either of the projects, or have photographs you can send to us please contact us and our Project Leader will get in touch. You’d be very welcome and your help would be most appreciated.!